March 08, 2010

Brian's Invite

  1. Miry avatar

    So I called my bird and dog and they wanna do this cruise. Do I need to book a cabine for them as well? whaha

  2. Layal avatar

    nawwwwwwwwwi can't wait, im coming all the way from Australia :)

  3. PDA4BrianLittrell:) avatar

    so wish i could go.. :(

  4. Miss.Danny_Mansani avatar

    Oh, I've never been on a cruise as well, Bee, but I gotta tell u that BSB cruise won't be my first one, not this time.

    Hope u have a great time ou there.


  5. undermyskin avatar

    I'm poor. Gimme a tour DVD instead. :) Or you could pay for my fare. I don't mind. ;)

  6. Anto Littrell avatar

    My dear dear brian you are provoking me to steal a bank .. do not insist that i will do u.u

  7. Babi avatar

    Can I bring my dog? LOL

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwww I'm freaking out already!

  8. MooMooSaurus avatar

    Ummm Brian.. are you lying to me? Cuz, carnival says we cant bring pets... Is this somethang we can do with the "special" bsb cruise?? Cuz I know Boo Boo misses you :) Oh, and I have to bring Hugh Hefner and Twizzle too. You'll love them... they are the CUTEST LIL THANGS IN THE WORLD!!!!!!! Baylee can babysit them if he wants :)

  9. Vanesiky avatar

    Buuuh... I wanna go but I can't =( and few days later is my bday ='(

  10. Fatimaslight avatar

    We'll be there - but Brian - can we really bring our dogs and our cats???? Boo Boo wants to come -- see her Godfather.

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