1. Lexous Baby avatar

    LoL Ohhhh Brian! I just love you! haha it's all I can say! haha

  2. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    Thanks for the Invite Brian,see you on the Cruise. I am so excited,My friends and I can't wait. I will be like you and have a life jacket on you never know what can happen.lol
    Brian is to funny,he even seems away at the end. Love it,he is such a dork.haha

  3. SilvinaR avatar

    Count on me for the second cruise......Oh God! I wish I could go this time but I just can´t!!!


  4. Mariana avatar

    i wish i could go... :( thanks brian ... next time maybe

  5. Aj'slover avatar

    I can't wait to be on this cruise...first one ever and you are on it!! What more could I want?

  6. Chryssa_NC avatar

    Thanks for the invitation Bri!!!!! :)))))

  7. itsangieruiz avatar

    eso que, Brian no quita q esta carisimo y es medio lame pq otro grupo lo hizo

  8. itsangieruiz avatar

    nain Brian im so sorry!

  9. KizzleKrista avatar

    Thanks for the invite Brian!

  10. Christina Wyatt avatar

    More expensive and far for me :-(