1. Lisa m avatar

    hhahahahhaha nick

  2. nystephiee avatar

    lmaoo @ nick :) silly

  3. Layze avatar

    Nick looks like a happy little boy *-*

  4. Carol Johanna avatar

    excited much? hahaha seems like Nick was! Glad you guys are also having fun! love ya lots!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  5. BNHAalltheway avatar

    Nick is so excited like a little kid

  6. Franca Sparaco avatar

    Nick is excited to be meeting the pandas.

  7. xxSammyjoxxMcleanxx avatar

    AJ's like "hmmm.. Gonna stay outta this one!" Brokk "Yeahh think I will too Sweet D gone MADD! " LOL

  8. xxSammyjoxxMcleanxx avatar

    Hahaaa! Yeah it like Sweet D saying not now Nick! Loll

  9. blacknbluerocks *jen* avatar


  10. Katie O'Kennon avatar

    Kaos strikes again!