Backstreet Boys image
April 20, 2013
  1. Thais Barbosa avatar

    Homi gostoooooooooooooosooooo da gotaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! hahahahaha
    Your smile is killing me, Carter! ♥

  2. Franca Sparaco avatar

    Nickolas Gene Carter you are Breathtaking!

  3. Franca Sparaco avatar

    Nickolas Gene Carter is Breathtaking!

  4. Amanda Chinappi avatar

    Great shot love nicks smile :)

  5. Cristina Costa avatar


  6. BSBlessed avatar


  7. jun avatar

    Your smile is perfection,Nick!
    Love it!

  8. vkrosvik avatar

    Love it!! Love to see when Nick smile!! Their phones! Lol

  9. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    Everyone's on their phone time to tweet ;) lol

  10. bsbgirl95 avatar


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