1. Mariana avatar

    Howie is taking the wrong shoe!!!! XD lol

  2. Florecitta avatar

    Los muchachos tienen problemas serios de ropa jajaja.

  3. Ana Karen =) avatar

    I spy red shoes! =)

  4. Mary Unique avatar


  5. nickbruno11 avatar

    Howie, looking extremely hott and sexy, checking out the inside of his shoe... but a very awesome one at that!

  6. NicksLatinLuvR87 avatar

    I wish I could just have piles of clothes to pick from! =)

  7. tcblinzi avatar

    Wow so many clothes. Howie looks tres sexy here ;)

  8. Lil'Star avatar

    awww so sweet my Howie!

  9. Nova Lova avatar

    OH my, Howie.. ♥ xxo

  10. Monica avatar

    I loooove Howie's look!! =)