Backstreet Boys image
August 26, 2010
  1. Florecitta avatar

    Tan serio, quizás que estaba viendo...

  2. Liliana avatar

    You are chat with me, yea yea i know my baby... I miss you too... Come back to home, I stay here for you... LOL... I love you my baby boy...Kaooosss!!!!!

  3. Ornela avatar


  4. Gabby Seven avatar


  5. RoneJeanBSB avatar

    awwww look at my sexy man

  6. Sarah avatar

    Yeah Macs all the way! Good choice Nick :) Haha

  7. Ana Karen =) avatar

    hahahaa Nick looks so funny! =)

  8. Mary Unique avatar


  9. Niky avatar

    sooo serious!!! adorable. What did you do to that poor laptop? lol

  10. nickbruno11 avatar

    *gasp; takes my breath away with his sexy, hottness appearance* Even humble, unaware of this picture being taken, he still is a CUTIE!!!!!!!

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