Backstreet Boys image
February 14, 2010
  1. Alely avatar

    Nick, your shoes are untied! Naughty, naughty boy! You're grounded, I want you to do 20 pushups in my room!

  2. Domi avatar

    he has that concentration face. haha love ya nick!

  3. joynick avatar

    hey nick! can you skype me!!!

  4. inlovewithbsb avatar

    Adorable! :)

  5. Lizet Villalobos avatar


  6. Maria fan since 1996 avatar

    Well he's not playin' wow, that's for sure. Maybe he's changing realm to Shattered Halls?! Could one be so lucky?!

  7. Sandra13 avatar


  8. emilylovesfrack avatar

    hahahaha, cuteness

  9. Cami bSb avatar

    come on nick.. think, think..what was the password, what was the password? haha

  10. TP's girls avatar


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