1. RoneJeanBSB avatar

    lol Nick is so crazy! gotta love him!

  2. La K-rito avatar

    ahhhhhhhhhhh rico!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Niky avatar


  4. vkrosvik avatar

    The crazy side of Nick! can't get enough of him!

  5. tcblinzi avatar

    I love his hair here :)

  6. NicksLatinLuvR87 avatar

    The crazy side of Nick! can't get enough of him!

  7. LexiBsbgrl4Ever01 avatar

    Haha Nick is crazy but thats one of the things I love about him!! Hello Brian, you shoulda come up behind Nick and snuck up on him instead of sneaking past him! = P

  8. Shasta avatar

    he still has his tonsils! lol!

  9. Shasta avatar

    he still has his tonsils! lol!

  10. Shasta avatar

    Too cute of a pic lol