1. HowieDfan4life avatar

    Aj looks so bored, and Nick is to busy texting or tweeting hehe

  2. Fracksgurl4ever avatar

    Nick get back to singing and put down that phone

  3. Ana Karen =) avatar

    aww cool =)

  4. tcblinzi avatar

    Haha, AJ looks bored as hell!

  5. Yanny avatar

    So true! AJ is really like: "oh come on, I can do something else right now!"

  6. Nilsa avatar

    AJ, Brian, and Howie looked more like they are pissed at Nick texting (or tweetering) while rehearsing. Maybe Nick forgot to sing his part. LOL

  7. Shawn avatar

    why does it look like Howie's cussing the drummer out

  8. MooMooSaurus avatar

    .......nick take some styling lessons from the other boys and get off ure cell phone melty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

  9. Lil'Star avatar

    my boys!!!!

  10. Elen Sant'Ana avatar

    heeey maan!! keep your cellphoneee!! lol