Backstreet Boys image
March 23, 2010
  1. Ana avatar

    as I'm now tired and full of work to do, I can here just to see nick and this amazing photo to fell excited to work more!!! =D

    this picture is amazing =D~

  2. KARY avatar


  3. Ana avatar

    whenever I'm feeling sad or mad, I look at these picture!!! He is so hot on this photo.... he's cute, sexy, handsome all in the same photo!!! =)

    I love you Nick!!! S2

  4. nicksbabe28 avatar


  5. PAOLA avatar

    I... I can't speak right now...

  6. kisskaos avatar

    one more time...... I HATE YOU! because love you too long and too much.

  7. Monica avatar

    He looks amazing!! *o*
    hot, hot, hot...

  8. Karyna avatar

    i thought that those gods of greek didn't exist

    maybe i was wrong!

  9. Alely avatar

    Aaaww he looks exhausted.. I think I liked it better when he had some meat in him... does that mean I like fat men? :o

  10. Sophlovesbsb avatar

    He takes my breath away!!

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