1. jdjullie, avatar

    Hey. Everybodey. Not. All. Of. The. Backstreeatboys. Body. Guards. Are. Jerks. They. Are. There. For. A. Reson. And. I. Agree. The. Backstreeatboys. Do. Need. To. Be. Careful. Who. They pick. Maybe. For. There. Body. Guards. They. Are. All. Mean that. Is. What. A. Body. Guards. Have too. Do there. Job. Though. And. That. Is what. This. One. Is. Doing. Too. Do not. Judge. Everybody and. You. All are. Right. They. Are. Mean. I. Went. To a concert in Atlanta. And. All of. The. Bsb. Body. Guards. Made. Us. Through. Away. Our. Cameras. But. I kept. Mine. Though. But. Anyway. I. Wish. They whould be. A lot. Nicer. Too. Us. Because. We. Are. The ones. Who. Got. Them. Just. Like. They. Are. Today. Great. Singers. I. Am. Just. Saying. Love. Babygirl. Julie.