1. djenny avatar

    Muito lindo,eu queria estar muito la,um dia eu irei ver bem de perto um show lindo deles so pra mim! amo todos

  2. Melissa MJ avatar

    Kevin back with bsb(even if its for one time)! Just loooove it! Like he never left :)

  3. Rayna Cavalcante avatar

    like old times...

  4. Lu Gomes avatar

    love love ... Amazing moment!!

  5. AznLizzie avatar

    the 10 is complete :)

  6. Chryssa_NC avatar

    whaaaha...really cool pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Chryssa_NC avatar

    whaaaha...really cool pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Jose Ger@rdo Ojeda avatar

    Amazing moment!!

  9. Alicia avatar

    There should always be FIVE boys on that stage! We miss you, Kev! Come back!

  10. amandaj avatar

    I would have given my left leg, or arm to have been there =0(