1. Eri Rodriguez avatar

    jajajajaja AJ... love u!!!!!!!

  2. DunkaRoo avatar

    WOH aj.....slow down..hehe

  3. Tanya avatar

    Looks like Aj was up to his old self, and smacking Kev on the butt! :) Miss those 5 goofing around like they used to. Kevy you are one of a kind my friend!

  4. sofdlovesbsb avatar


  5. Carina B. avatar


  6. Luana Basi avatar


  7. Decka avatar

    Hahahaha, A.J looks funny on this one!

  8. FAYEluvsBSB avatar

    I miss my original 5 boys :(

  9. Miriam avatar

    Love this pic!

  10. yazmin mery avatar
