1. Brendz89 avatar

    They are truly a family, they have a special unbreakable bond between them. Backstreet fights like brothers. They have been through a lot of ups and downs, & triumphs together over the past 25 years. They encourage, inspire and lean on one another. Most importantly they love one another, they are soul brothers for life. This has been their life. I have never seen or heard of a boy band having so much success like backstreet has had. They are truly un breakable iconic legends.
    Happy 25th Anniversary Backstreet Boys!!!????

  2. Alexandra Maldonado avatar

    Not only have they become family and gone through so much together, as a family that has only brought them together. Not only have they touched a lot of lives, but they have stuck by there fans for 25 years. They probably don't even know how much they have touched people's hearts. You guys have helped in so many ways. I wanted to thank you guys, your songs have helped me and my sister who's 6, to keep on fighting for her life. You guys don't even notice how you guys have touched a lot of people's life's. Thank you guys for not only touching our lives, but being so encouraging and touching people's hearts.

  3. Ashleylauren217 avatar

    Unbreakable. We've watched the boys grow and have this unbreakable bond with each other, with their families, and with their fans. It also brings fans together in a way that is unexplainable and creates a bond between all of us that is...Unbreakable.

  4. Steph_8510 avatar

    Your journey has not been a simple journey of progress. You've gone through many ups and downs, you suffered together, cried together, laughed together.

  5. sbkkb avatar

    The first word that came to my mind was Brothers.

    I chose this word because their intense bond with each other is seen in everything they do and is a big reason why they've been a group for 25 years!

  6. KellyK86 avatar


    In a good sense of the word, they're one of a kind that stand out from the rest; plain and simple.

  7. Tabata Munhoz avatar

    "fight" that word sums it all up:

    strive to innovate and always maintain success.

    to fight to overcome the disagreements, because for more love and respect that there is among the people around us we do not always agree.

    fight against homesickness because they spend long periods away from home and it is not easy to stay away from the ones we love.

    Fienally there are countless daily struggles that they must overcome and have overcome with mastery.

  8. Gracie Jones avatar

    Because the meaning can be substituted for being dedicated, dependable, reliable, constant and devoted to the band and one another.
    The fact that for 25 years the band has held together both through personal and professional issues. Even with Kevin’s departure for a period of time the boys stuck together and without hesitation they took Kevin back when he was ready to return without hesitation or animosity.
    Since being loyal is giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution, I believe this fits the boys perfectly.

  9. Jennifer Varnum avatar

    because it truly is amazing to see these 5 boys grow up to be such wonderful family men who love their wives, kids and are able to still come together and work together as a group, through all the ups and downs. BSB is truly a group to look to for inspiration in all aspects of life.

  10. alexist avatar


    They all had so many individual dreams and it is absolutely amazing to see where they are now, together. I hope they feel incredibly accomplished to have made it this far :)