Could You Be October's Soldier of the Month?

This contest ended 7 years ago

The search is on for October's SOTM! All you have to do is complete the task below in its entirety before September 30th. 

To enter to be October's SOTM, record a short video (under 30 seconds) explaining why you'd like to be Soldier of the Month. 
Upload your video to Instagram or Twitter - then copy the link and paste it in the comments section below. 
* All steps must be completed in order to be qualified.

Each month's soldier will receive:

+ Personal tweet/follow from the BSB band account

+ 1500 points

+ A feature piece on

+ A special bundle of BSB goodies

+ Permanent bragging rights

+ And more ;) 

Check back here in the contests section at the top of each month to sign up to be SOTM!


- Must be a registered member of the BSB fan club.

- Previous SOTMs are not eligible for two calendar years. After 24 months, they can enter.

- All entries are subject to audit. 

  1. mamacory23 avatar

    Why does it have to be a video? Not everyone likes to be on camera...

  2. PrincessJen avatar

    Haha, I'm totally with Shay on this one!

  3. Jaycyl avatar

  4. Jaycyl avatar

    Can't wait to see backstreet boys again on stage!

  5. Sway_Shay avatar

    This sucks what about those who is camera shy. Yikes.

  6. Mellyssa_1982 avatar

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