Looking for Our September Soldier of the Month!

This contest ended 7 years ago

We're looking to highlight a very special soldier each month as 'Soldier of the Month.' All you have to do is answer the following question in the text box below (less than 100 please!).

Question: With Vegas on a break and the last FGL show complete, how will you be keeping the backstreet pride alive until the next BSB event?

Each month's soldier will receive:

+ Personal tweet/follow from the BSB band account

+ 1500 points

+ A feature piece on BSB.com

+ A special bundle of BSB goodies

+ Permanent bragging rights

+ And more ;) 

Check back here in the contests section at the top of each month to sign up to be SOTM!


- Must be a registered member of the BSB fan club.

- Previous SOTMs are not eligible for two calendar years. After 24 months, they can enter.

- All entries are subject to audit. 

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