The Search Is On For February's SOTM

This contest ended 8 years ago

Listen, Backstreet fans don't mess around right? We wouldn't be here if the BSB Army wasn't made up of some of the best fans in the biz. We're looking to highlight a very special solider each month as 'Soldier of the Month.' All you have to do is answer the following question in the text box below (less than 100 please!).

Question: What BSB song is your Valentine's Day anthem and why?

Each month's soldier will receive:

+ Personal tweet/follow from the BSB band account

+ 1500 points

+ A feature piece on

+ A special bundle of BSB goodies

+ Permanent bragging rights

+ And more ;) 

Check back here in the contests section at the top of each month to sign up to be SOTM!


- Must be a registered member of the BSB fan club.

- Previous SOTMs are not eligable for two calendar years. After 24 months, they can enter.

- All entries are subject to audit. 

  1. Chris Aquila avatar

    My Valentines Day anthem is "I Promise You", and it's dedicated to my fiancé, Anna. It's been a rough couple years, between stresses at work, home, and losing a ridiculous 7 family members for a variety of reasons. Anna is very worrisome, and with our wedding coming up in September, I'm doing everything I can to assure her that everything is going to be just fine. She often questions why I love her, and I have trouble articulating how I feel. It's just how I feel. When I see her, regardless of what's going on in our lives, I just have this love and calmness. I need to be since she stresses out. "I promise her from the bottom of my heart, I will love her till death do us part." Thanks guys for over 20 years of helping me talk to girls and handle life's uncertainties. See you April 26th in Vegas!

  2. Kattia  Calvo avatar

    My Valentine's Day Anthem Is "Soldier" because Brian's verse in this song is the most romantic thing I've ever heard: "Wanna be there just in time, Wanna be your shining knight, Protect you like a soldier... All I wanna do is hold you". Vegas is going yo be my first show ever and I'm so excited I just don't have enough words to describe it, basically it's a dream come true since I was a little kid. I love you guys! See you in Vegas March 1st!!

  3. Amanda Bortoletto avatar

    My Valentine's Day Anthem definitely is "Shape of My Heart." I've cried and laughed so much with this song. It reminds me of my first concert back in 2009, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. It was March 5th, it was my birthday and I was turning 15 years old. It was the last song of the night and the guys came back to the stage wearing Brazilian Jerseys and I remember they were sending kisses to everybody. I was so close to the stage and Brian looked at me, pointed at me and sent me a kiss. I just cried so much, it was one of the best nights and birthday presents ever. Everytime I listen to Shape of My Heart I get a smile on my face. Can't wait for Vegas, Can't wait for March 4th, after 8 years later. Love you guys, you are the shape of my heart <3

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