1. Melany avatar

    Hello Everyone,
    I am so glad that I won this contest... waou, one time in my life I won, that's great!
    But, because there is a but, unfortunatly I can not go to this event anymore because of some personal problem, not so big but it is life, I cannot go there! Then if somebody of you is interested to go there and is able to, just let me know your names, surnames and e-mail addresses of all people attending the concert. Please send me your full name as well as the name and e-mail address of the friend you are bringing with you and I will give this information to MTV (they said I can give my places to someone else, I just have to tell them who).
    Right, I hope it is clear for you all and really hope that someone can take part in my place... !
    Take care, KTBSPA ;-)

  2. caroline.loves.bsb avatar

    Just so people know. I cancelled my sign up when I saw 'PLEASE DO NOT ENTER THIS CONTEST IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND THE EVENT' come up. So, I don't know how I won, but I have sent the e-mail to a friend on this site, who is from Denmark, so she will go with her sister instead. Sorry if I upset anyone! x

  3. jenn844_9 avatar

    if somebody can help me to find low cost flight, and can welcome me in her family during 3 days or find me a cheap hotel ... + a normal ticket for the concert (good place). This person can come with me at the 7th december(also more info about this event!!!!!Thanks Byeee

  4. Bettina avatar

    Congrats to the winners :))! I would do anything to get tickets... so if anyone can't go or is alone or knows a way to get in there - PLEASE let me know! I would pay. Thanks and have fun :))!

  5. Sally Ann avatar

    They could have let me win. I live about 15 mins from where the "event" is taking place. :/

  6. JJ avatar

    Thank you,THANK YOU!!!!!CouldnĀ“t be more happy;D Jumping up and down!!!!

  7. lovehi avatar

    wow I'm going, I think it starts around 8 pm, but I have no clue where it is.
    can't wait.

  8. Stephhh17 avatar

    I apparently did too!! did you get an e-mail or anything?

  9. Audrey bubu avatar

    please let me win just ONE ticket for this show, coming from Belgium earlier in Copenhaguen just for this :-D My friends have tikets but i didn't won

    pleaaaase :-)

    And don't forget : Bubu loves Hizzle, Bizzle, Nizze, Jizzle :p

  10. Miry avatar

    Yeah I would like to know where this event is (I mean is it in the Bella centre?) And what time do we need to be there??

    Are they gonna play several songs? or just one?

    A little bit more info would help! Thank you...