1. yaz712 avatar

    so sad... cus it can be the best gift for my birthday .... but i can travel to Copenhagen !!! =(

  2. sweetgirl avatar

    Fingers crossed!! I wanna be there!!
    One week, and we'll know the winners, yayyy! :)

  3. Ja avatar

    What a momentous birthday gift this would be to attend such an historic event but I think I'm gonna have to pass so "wonderfull wonderfull Copenhagen" will have to wait for another day. I hope it's televised. If it is please post details ont his site. We can get involved in other ways to help support this - check it out.

  4. xdebceex avatar

    good luck to everyone who signed up for this

  5. Izzy avatar

    I wish I could go, I'm supporting this over Greenpeace... but I can't be there.... I'm studying in London... Good Luck everyone!!

  6. Sarah Johnston avatar

    good luck to everyone, wish i stayed closer..lol, xx

  7. nadine31100 avatar

    Hopefully they would let the winners know on time they've won.
    Not like the EMA's 12 hours before the start.
    Copenhagen is already a 12 hour drive for me! (besides everything I have to arange)

  8. KizzleKrista avatar

    Sounds like a really cool event! Wish I lived a LOT closer! lol Good luck to all who can go :)

  9. Kirstine Jensen avatar

    I really hope I'm going to win this, it would be so amazing... Fingers crossed...

  10. Sway_Shay avatar

    Congrats to all winner's! :)