1. Ilze avatar

    I can't attend. So sad! But I love the fact it is in Europe! :))
    Yay! Maybe I could visit another year then! :)

  2. punajuuri avatar

    Umm... Isn't that quite selfish to wish that everything happened in the US...?

    But yay, so glad that the fc did a contest for this! :) Hope we could all win tho, but guess that's not possible. hehe.

  3. AngelofMusic465 avatar

    hey wait a minute...since the headquarter of the united nations are in nyc, should'nt this conference be here?!?!!? I wish I could go!!

  4. erica avatar

    I wish i could go too.

  5. Crystal O avatar

    When I win the PowerBall on Saturday or Wednesday then I'll sign up to win the ticket before the 27th. It'll be like Willy Wonka lol :)

  6. DunkaRoo avatar

    if travel and hotel accoms were included then i might of kept my sign up. thats lame.

  7. WolfGirlMelissa avatar

    I wish I could go. :(

  8. kate85 avatar

    =S i'd like.. but i cant go...its too far !!!

  9. ge_ch avatar

    copenhagen is a city in the country denmark

  10. JustMeHere avatar

    There should be a city and country of where it takes place. There's not a lot of info provided.