1. Clau Carter avatar

    Great contest, but I can't sig up for this one:(

  2. Stephanie Julianna avatar

    I am pretty much anxious!

  3. veronick avatar

    5 hours...i can't wait....i wanna go!!!

  4. Brittany Katzourin avatar

    How do we get more contest entries? I really do not understand how these entry/points system works, and do not know where to locate it in the forum. Could someone please assist me by explaining and/or sending me the link to the section in the forum?

    Thank you!

  5. kiedislovesme avatar

    my cousin lives in NY, could i sign up an IF i win, give the tickets to her???? live in canada, not goin to NY till feb :(

  6. NVartuli avatar

    I wonder how many tickets are going to be rewarded... Today on Z100 I was caller 96, sooo mad!

  7. Jizzlette avatar

    I so wanna go but I would have no way to ge there

  8. KizzleKrista avatar

    Good Luck to all :) Wish I could go, but I live kinda far away! lol

  9. DdubKaosSoldier avatar

    well no point in me signing up... i have to work that day... grrr work lol

  10. meganlynn921 avatar

    Good Luck everyone! We find out tomorrow! I love living close to NYC!