1. MissCascante-Littrell avatar

    like Broken Foot Girl said..
    "Just a reminder to all that entered if you are not going to be in NYC or cannot make it to NYC on that day please cancel your entry and don't let those tickets go to waste! On a second note Good Luck to all those that entered!"

    Please don't be selfish people, if you're NOT going to be in NYC don't deprive us from that chance! Thanks

  2. kroonmaki avatar

    Good luck everyone!!!!!!!!!

  3. PinKizLovE avatar

    really wanted to go but of course the only day Im scheduled to work late is Tuesday grrr...dont worry though I made sure to cancel my submission so someone who can attend gets picked...still super upset I cant go anymore :(

  4. *^MiZz_KaOZ^* avatar

    I wanna win!

  5. nicksrockerbaby avatar

    God, I hope I win this man. I need to go to this! lol

  6. Michelle1981 avatar


  7. backstreetAJgirl avatar

    praying that i win!!!!!! it would make my LIFE omg!

  8. Oronhya avatar

    Still have 34 beautiful hours Focusing on the Good Vibes!! «I Will Get It - I Will Get It» ;o)

  9. LizheartsBSB avatar

    I wish I could go .

  10. Kizzle3 avatar

    Just a reminder to all that entered if you are not going to be in NYC or cannot make it to NYC on that day please cancel your entry and don't let those tickets go to waste! On a second note Good Luck to all those that entered!