1. Karina-Paty avatar

    I'm from Brazil and I'm em NYC now ! This will be the only chance that I I'll have to see the BSB because I'm leaving USA in 2 weeks :( ! OMG OMG !!!!

  2. patrifrack avatar

    Is it possible to entry the contest if you are outside the US?
    I think i can make the trip, but i'm from spain and dont know if i can participate.
    Thank you!!!

  3. BabygirlShamrok avatar

    I am sooo excited I have gone into nyc everytime they have had a album come out .. and I am going the early show either way but I dont want the day to end there so hopefully I have luck with this contest ..

  4. amanda avatar

    i think i can... i think i can!! =)

  5. LaurenNY88 avatar

    yikes theres over 300 people entered for this just on here and the show is only 200 people! ughh i feel like the hardest thing i've ever done in my life is try to get into this show!! lol *crossing fingers for tickets*

  6. Oronhya avatar

    I'll see you there GangstaBarbie... Im leaving from Quebec City on saturday, we'll visit a lil bit and wait this big new ALBUM!! *Still Focusing on GOOOD VIBES*

  7. Jossy Carter avatar

    OMG!!!! I will go nuts If .. OMG my dream come true!!!!!!!!!

    Good luck to everyone that entered.

  8. Oronhya avatar

    Still Focusing On The Good Vibes!!! Positive Visualisation That I Will Get A Pair of Tix!! ;o)

  9. Liliana Cepa avatar

    aahhh cant wait for NYC Tuesday crazyyyy its a week away.
    see you all there?

  10. melis584 avatar

    eeeK! crossing my fingers :)