1. Frack128NGC avatar

    Did they annouce the winners yet?

  2. Karina-Paty avatar

    i guess they haven't ... but here in my page is writen that this contestest have ended about 6 hours ago, humm

    Anyway, good luck peeps!

  3. patrifrack avatar

    I don't know... neither how they'll be published...
    I'm in Spain, here it's 12:51 pm and i'm very nervous!!!!

  4. Sue Duzak avatar

    Have the winners been announced yet?

  5. patrifrack avatar

    c'mon I need to know the winners... The waiting is killing me!!!!

  6. jencon12 avatar

    How do we kno if we won?

  7. Oronhya avatar

    Oh My Gosh.... 102 minutes left... Since Tuesday My Mind is only thinking positive... good vibes, positive visualisation.. Focusing on I Will Get It.. I Will Get It!!! :o)

  8. Sibyl Dorough Mclean avatar

    Good Luck everyone ;)

  9. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    3 hours. Good Luck everyone.

  10. nicksrockerbaby avatar

    4 more hours! *crosses fingers*